Writings from Force 5 Basecamp



Featured image for “Identifying Your Target Audience”

Identifying Your Target Audience

Digital marketing can be overwhelming these days, especially if you have a small team. Between the ever-evolving digital landscape, the overwhelming amount of new best practices to follow, and seemingly infinite number of new tools and solutions to vet it can be hard to get a sound footing. It’s not hard to see why so many companies have an inconsistent
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Featured image for “Which CMS Is Right for My Business?”

Which CMS Is Right for My Business?

When it comes to building a website, one of the first decisions to make is what platform to build it on. You could have a developer hardcode your entire website for you. But that is a short-sighted business decision. As soon as that developer moves on or the contract ends, you’re going to find updating your website to be a
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Featured image for “How to Develop a Business Presence on YouTube – Marketing Minute”

How to Develop a Business Presence on YouTube – Marketing Minute

by Jim Ragosta, Director of Digital Strategy & Sales YouTube remains the #1 social media platform, and the #2 most visited website domain in the United States, only behind its parent company, Google. (SEMRush) If you want to build your brand, it’s a safe bet that you should be on YouTube, whether that’s with a paid advertisement, or creating content
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Featured image for “Are You Listening To Me?”

Are You Listening To Me?

“We must love them both, those whose opinions we share and those whose opinions we reject. For both have labored in the search for the truth and both have helped in the finding of it.” Thomas Aquinas I noticed over the last several years, people have become increasingly “amped up”. I’m not sure if it’s because of the political climate,
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Featured image for “The role of the CMS at Force 5”

The role of the CMS at Force 5

Force 5’s arsenal of tools that we use to plan, build and measure websites expands daily. It’s the nature of the industry – growing and adapting to the industry as needed. One such tool is growing to be an essential part of our web offering; the CMS or Content Management System. We have implemented numerous CMS sites on the web
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Featured image for “How to Blow Your Chances in a Job Interview”

How to Blow Your Chances in a Job Interview

The Creative Group released results from a survey they conducted with advertising and marketing executives.  The national study was based on 400 telephone interviews — 200 with advertising executives randomly selected from agencies with 20 or more employees and 200 with marketing executives randomly selected from companies with 100 or more employees. Advertising and marketing executives were asked, “When interviewing
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Featured image for “Bringing Next Generation to This Generation”

Bringing Next Generation to This Generation

Force 5 remains steadfast in its commitment to be a  “next generation brand development and marketing communications firm.”  Determing what that next generation technology is and how to bring it to clients in an effective and practical way is the real challenge in fullfilling our commitment.  One next generation technology is mobile.  Today, all indicators show that in the foreseeable future, mobile will play a
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Featured image for “How-To: Create a Simple Slideshow Header in Drupal 7”

How-To: Create a Simple Slideshow Header in Drupal 7

UPDATE: Since the posting of this article there has been dramatic improvements by the community and now this is no longer the best way to implement this feature. We now use the “Views Slideshow,” found at: http://drupal.org/project/views_slideshow. We have used this method to create the various slideshows for the City of South Bend at www.SouthBendOn.com. One of the more common
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Featured image for “Un-Marketing by Scott Stratten”

Un-Marketing by Scott Stratten

 I found this video to be a  really helpful explanation of social marketing business strategy.   Scott Stratten, you rock! Force 5 would be happy to answer any questions you have about Social Media marketing, just drop us a line.
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Featured image for “Is Your Mobile Website Ready for a Caveman to Use?”

Is Your Mobile Website Ready for a Caveman to Use?

Mobile browsing is here and now.  With estimates that over 50% of all mobile phones sold this year will be smart, preparing your website to become an amazing internet experience on these devices can be challenging.   As mobile technology continues to evolve into tomorrow, keeping it simple today is a must.  How simple?  Think Cave Man simple. Here some things
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Featured image for “When Marketers Should Make BIG Promises”

When Marketers Should Make BIG Promises

My blog post last week on discoverforce5.com left you with this question:  “How much should a marketer promise about an experience?”  Probably better stated as : “How do I promise people enough to move them to action without setting them up for disappointment once they make the move?” I had several conversations about this last week.  It was clear this question hit home
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Featured image for “How-To: Use Wget to Automate the Karamasoft UltimateSearch Indexing Process for Your Website”

How-To: Use Wget to Automate the Karamasoft UltimateSearch Indexing Process for Your Website

Almost every modern website has a “search my site” module of some sort added to it. In this How-To I’m going to explain how to set up Karamasoft UltimateSearch to automatically rebuild its index on a repeating scheduled basis in a Microsoft Windows hosted environment. First, you will need to obtain the UltimateSearch software from the Karamasoft site, found at:
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