Writings from Force 5 Basecamp



Featured image for “3 Hidden Brand Mistakes – Marketing Minute”

3 Hidden Brand Mistakes – Marketing Minute

Ever feel the pinch in one of these areas:  You are putting out regular content but the general look and feel seem inconsistent.  Most of your employees “get it” when it comes to delivering a consistent experience for your customers, but a few still struggle to keep up with company standards and sort of “do their own thing.”  You meet
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Featured image for “Drip Campaigns 101 – Marketing Minute”

Drip Campaigns 101 – Marketing Minute

Have you ever gotten an email like this? Or, perhaps a better question, have you been doing this to your customers? It’s okay, we’ve all been there, and in today’s Marketing Minute, I’ll share with you how drip campaigns can help you avoid email overload. What is a Drip Campaign? If we dump all the information a customer could possibly
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Featured image for “Discovering Your “WHY” to Build Circularity”

Discovering Your “WHY” to Build Circularity

As I shared in our last video, Circularity is creating something with the end in mind. Waste not. Want not. Today, let’s dig a little deeper by discovering WHY you—yes, singular you—might make the effort to become more circular. Because … Circularity Is Not an Easy Thing It takes changing your habits, like Deciding you will pack your sandwich in
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Featured image for “Keith Sayer Joins Force 5 as Account Strategist / Content Creator”

Keith Sayer Joins Force 5 as Account Strategist / Content Creator

(June 14, 2022 – South Bend) Force 5 is pleased to announce that Keith Sayer has joined its team as Account Strategist / Content Creator. Keith has experience running B2B marketing efforts and content strategies in the Transportation, Enterprise Software, and Nonprofit sectors. He is a lifelong writer, as well as an expert in marketing technologies like marketing automation, CRM
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Featured image for “What Is Sustainable Marketing?”

What Is Sustainable Marketing?

It’s no fad. Sustainable marketing is here to stay, and big businesses are starting to take notice. With recent studies showing that 79% of consumers change their purchase preferences based on a company’s “social responsibility, inclusiveness, and environmental impact,” the opportunity is vast. But what is sustainable marketing? Let’s start by taking a look at what we mean by sustainability.
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Featured image for “Media Buying Done Right – Marketing Minute”

Media Buying Done Right – Marketing Minute

There is so much more to media buying than writing a check and hoping someone views or listens to your message. With many different types of media, it can be hard to decide which are right for your brand, leaving you wondering, “how can I be more effective with my media buying?” Well, I’ll tell you how–and more!–in this Marketing
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Featured image for “More Than Recycling … How to Build a Circular Economy”

More Than Recycling … How to Build a Circular Economy

I attended Circularity 2022 last week just outside of Atlanta, it was an incredible experience. First a definition of Circularity – Circularity is a simple concept. It means that a product is created with its own end-of-life taken into account. In a circular economy, once the user is finished with the product, it goes back into the supply chain instead of
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Featured image for “Is It Time to Tackle Single-Use Plastic?”

Is It Time to Tackle Single-Use Plastic?

On Earth Day this year, the Force 5 team worked together to walk along the St. Joseph River near our building picking up trash along the walkway. We found all sorts of things—including face masks, a piece of a car bumper, and even a ladder. However, nothing was more prevalent than single-use plastic. From wrappers to straws to grocery store
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Featured image for ““I KNOW a Guy” and Its Challenges – Marketing Minute”

“I KNOW a Guy” and Its Challenges – Marketing Minute

Picture This: Your Next Marketing Strategy Meeting “So, everyone, we’ve all decided that we need a new Website/Video/Social Media/Campaign/Digital Advertising Strategy and we’re looking for suggestions on who should do it. Sam?” Well, ya see, I know “this guy” who can get the job done. He does this thing as a side hustle. I’ve seen his work, and it looks
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Featured image for “Force 5 Offers Valuable Training to Business Leaders at Brand Camp”

Force 5 Offers Valuable Training to Business Leaders at Brand Camp

(May 2022 – South Bend) Force 5 is thrilled to share that the first session of Brand Camp will be held on Friday, June 3, 2022, 8 am – 12:30 pm EDT. Brand Camp is a half-day training experience held at Force 5’s headquarters (1433 Northside Blvd., South Bend, IN 46615). Brand specialists will help participants gain a better understanding
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Featured image for “Circularity: Giving as Much as You Take”

Circularity: Giving as Much as You Take

When we think about sustainability, there are many ways to make an impact. We could take less from the environment or reduce our dependence on non-renewable resources. But that’s only half of the opportunity. The other important part of sustainable practice is to ensure that the resources we do use aren’t simply waste products after we are finished with them.
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Featured image for “Marketing Automation: How to Get Started – Marketing Minute”

Marketing Automation: How to Get Started – Marketing Minute

Do you wish you could be more responsive and personalized in your communications? Wish you could figure out the right sequence of content that’s just right for a buyer and then “set it and forget it.” It may sound like fantasy, but marketing automation here, and easier to get started than you might think. If you’ve ever been curious about
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