Writings from Force 5 Basecamp



Featured image for “Which CMS Is Right for My Business?”

Which CMS Is Right for My Business?

When it comes to building a website, one of the first decisions to make is what platform to build it on. You could have a developer hardcode your entire website for you. But that is a short-sighted business decision. As soon as that developer moves on or the contract ends, you’re going to find updating your website to be a
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Featured image for “Your Step-by-Step Guide to Moving to Google Analytics 4 with Force 5”

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Moving to Google Analytics 4 with Force 5

Did you know that Google’s Universal Analytics (the platform most websites—likely yours, too–have been using to track traffic for more than a decade) will stop collecting data in July 2023? This means that if you have not transitioned to the new Google Analytics 4 platform, you will no longer be able to see how many people visit your website, fill
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Featured image for “3 Hidden Brand Mistakes – Marketing Minute”

3 Hidden Brand Mistakes – Marketing Minute

Ever feel the pinch in one of these areas:  You are putting out regular content but the general look and feel seem inconsistent.  Most of your employees “get it” when it comes to delivering a consistent experience for your customers, but a few still struggle to keep up with company standards and sort of “do their own thing.”  You meet
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Featured image for “Drip Campaigns 101 – Marketing Minute”

Drip Campaigns 101 – Marketing Minute

Have you ever gotten an email like this? Or, perhaps a better question, have you been doing this to your customers? It’s okay, we’ve all been there, and in today’s Marketing Minute, I’ll share with you how drip campaigns can help you avoid email overload. What is a Drip Campaign? If we dump all the information a customer could possibly
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Featured image for “Media Buying Done Right – Marketing Minute”

Media Buying Done Right – Marketing Minute

There is so much more to media buying than writing a check and hoping someone views or listens to your message. With many different types of media, it can be hard to decide which are right for your brand, leaving you wondering, “how can I be more effective with my media buying?” Well, I’ll tell you how–and more!–in this Marketing
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Featured image for ““I KNOW a Guy” and Its Challenges – Marketing Minute”

“I KNOW a Guy” and Its Challenges – Marketing Minute

Picture This: Your Next Marketing Strategy Meeting “So, everyone, we’ve all decided that we need a new Website/Video/Social Media/Campaign/Digital Advertising Strategy and we’re looking for suggestions on who should do it. Sam?” Well, ya see, I know “this guy” who can get the job done. He does this thing as a side hustle. I’ve seen his work, and it looks
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Featured image for “Marketing Automation: How to Get Started – Marketing Minute”

Marketing Automation: How to Get Started – Marketing Minute

Do you wish you could be more responsive and personalized in your communications? Wish you could figure out the right sequence of content that’s just right for a buyer and then “set it and forget it.” It may sound like fantasy, but marketing automation here, and easier to get started than you might think. If you’ve ever been curious about
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Featured image for “The End of Universal Analytics – Marketing Minute”

The End of Universal Analytics – Marketing Minute

Google has finally announced a date that will bring an end to Universal Analytics,leaving only Google Analytics 4 as your continued free option for website tracking.I’ll let you know what this means and how to prepare in this Marketing Minute.Come July 1st, 2023, your Universal Analytics will no longer be supported, andGoogle is requiring users to use their new property
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Featured image for “What is “Brand Soul”? – Marketing Minute”

What is “Brand Soul”? – Marketing Minute

by Deb DeFreeuw, President & Certified Brand Strategist You may have heard us say “WHO are you, WHAT do you do, and WHY does it matter” when talking about brand? The “WHY” refers to your BRAND SOUL. What exactly is “Brand Soul”? It is what drives your organization, what makes you unique. We helped develop a brand for a manufacturer
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Featured image for “How to Develop a Business Presence on YouTube – Marketing Minute”

How to Develop a Business Presence on YouTube – Marketing Minute

by Jim Ragosta, Director of Digital Strategy & Sales YouTube remains the #1 social media platform, and the #2 most visited website domain in the United States, only behind its parent company, Google. (SEMRush) If you want to build your brand, it’s a safe bet that you should be on YouTube, whether that’s with a paid advertisement, or creating content
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Featured image for “Communicating a Sustainable Brand – Marketing Minute”

Communicating a Sustainable Brand – Marketing Minute

by Deb DeFreeuw, President and Certified Brand Strategist We know that sustainability and eco-friendly are big buzzwords in our culture, and companies like Patagonia are champions of a circular economy. But what does this mean for the average business, who may or may not be directly connected to a market where sustainability is encouraged? You may know it’s the right
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Featured image for “How Will Your Brand Stand Out? – Marketing Minute”

How Will Your Brand Stand Out? – Marketing Minute

by Jim Ragosta, Director of Digital Strategy & Sales 2022 is going to be the year of your brand.  Times are changing, as are consumers like you and me. How we buy products, gather information, entertain, communicate, etc. all revolve around one thing, your brand. That’s all well and fine, but what do you need to do to make your
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